
Tossapol Pholcharee

Tossapol Pholcharee

类: 2018

地点: 圣地亚哥,加州

主要(s): 生物学, 数学

小(s): 亚洲研究-日语

我目前是一名联合博士研究生.D./D.英国斯克里普斯研究所和牛津大学合办的生物化学和生物科学博士项目. I am working in a structural biology lab whose goal is trying to develop a vaccine for malaria. A career in science is very collaborative and I anticipate going to Japan or working with Japanese scientists in the future. 我非常鼓励买球平台的学生学习一门外语(尤其是日语),因为无论你未来的职业道路如何,这都是一次有益的经历.


我第一次了解买球平台大学的日语项目是在我高三的时候,当时我去买球平台大学参加学生周末活动. 在学术博览会期间,我和阿里多姆教授谈了谈,令我惊讶的是,六个月后,当我来到买球平台时,他仍然记得我. I was really impressed—it showed me how much Professor Aridome and the program care about their students. The Japanese program was like a family to me and was an essential part of my Bowdoin experience.

I started taking Japanese my first year simply because I wanted to learn a third language and I love Japanese anime. 虽然头两年日本人一大早就见面了, I was always excited for class because both Professor Aridome and Professor Selinger made class really fun. 多亏了他们,课堂变得生动而充满活力. 作为一个科学和数学专业的学生, 我想说,学习一门语言就像从科学中休息一下,享受买球平台大学文科环境的另一个方面. The Japanese program also offered other courses in 历史, literature, and religion. 大三的时候,我选修了一门叫做武士史的课程, 文学, 电影让我大开眼界,让我对日本社会有了更深入的了解.

The Japanese program also offered many activities to help students bond with one another. 最重要的是语言桌,这是一个与朋友和教授练习日语的好机会. 全年还有其他有趣的活动,比如卡拉ok派对, 茶道示范, 还有寿司派对. 即使我不在日本,我也能体验到日本文化的各个方面. They were also great opportunities for me to develop relationships with my classmates who later became some of my closest friends.



类: 2017

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 历史

Studying Chinese language at Bowdoin was both a challenging and a rewarding experience. My classes at Bowdoin have improved both my conversational and professional Chinese speaking skills, 极大地提高了我的中文读写能力. The Chinese Department has also helped me to take advantage of some incredible opportunities off campus, 包括在波士顿举办的中文演讲比赛, 米德尔伯里大学在昆明的留学项目, 并在昆明暑期实习. 此外, 中文系是一个紧密联系的社区,学生可以与教授和同学建立密切的关系.

Wirunwan Pitaktong

Wirunwan Pitaktong

类: 2017

我的祖父母从中国南方移民到泰国. 尽管他们不会说普通话, 我和汉字一起长大, 文化, 民俗文化, 还有我祖父母的童年故事. 尽管在这样的环境下,我经常说我只是一个“泰国人”,仅此而已. I never fully grasped the "Chinese side" and how it has informed and shaped me as a person.


I started Chinese since the first semester and went abroad to Beijing my Junior year. Chinese at Bowdoin had prepared me well for my semester abroad in Beijing and greatly assisted me with my HSK exam level 5. 中文水平更好, I was able to read literature and watch Chinese TV programs and news; and with such opportunities I was able to better understand the politics, 历史, 以及和我一起度过童年的祖父母的心态. 对我来说, learning Chinese is not only something I do for the sake of comprehension of the language, 也是为了理解我的传统.



类: 2017

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 经济学

My whole family is from Shanghai—one of my goals coming to Bowdoin was to learn Chinese. 小时候, 我从小就说上海话, 但从未真正学会如何说普通话或用中文写作. 在过去的三年里,我一直在学习汉语,我的汉语水平确实提高了! 这是我买球平台教育中最重要的部分之一.



类: 2017

地点: 日本东京

教我如何接受不适, 真正努力工作, 创造性地思考, 我的教授培养了我的成长,不仅仅是作为一个学者, 但是作为一个人. 我相信,通过他们的指导传授的价值观和技能将使我在富布赖特学习期间以及在未来的个人和职业努力中蓬勃发展.


刚到买球平台时,我不知道自己想学什么. 一切似乎都很有趣,我发现很难做出决定. 然而, 在一次大学宿舍的寿司活动中,我被Hiroo ariidome教授的善良和鼓舞人心的性格所打动, 我决定试一试日语. 尽管很早, 日语课的每一天都很有趣,在令人难以置信的充满活力和合作的环境中,我与同学们建立了持久的友谊.

很快,我被鼓励去做志愿者 Oshietai, a team of students who teaches Japanese language classes once a week at a local elementary school. 在国外学习后,我大三的春天在帝根, 有机会重新回到我的家庭根源, my interest in Asian studies became more profound and what I intended to be minor grew into a double major. 那年夏天,我去了广岛,用我新掌握的语言技能研究二战后广岛和圣达菲之间的儿童艺术交流, 新墨西哥. 我的研究包括追踪和采访在学生时期参加过交流的个人(用日语),我也有机会与几位原子弹幸存者交谈. 在我大四回到买球平台的时候, 我运用这些互动中获得的知识和故事,在买球平台艺术博物馆(买球平台 Museum of Art)担任了一个名为“战后广岛视角:田津中三”的展览的联合策展人, 孩子们的画, 和决心的艺术,,并在《买球平台》上做了简短的报道.

在获得神经科学和亚洲研究双学位后, 我以富布赖特研究员的身份回到广岛在辐射效应研究基金会进行遗传学研究, which studies lasting health implications of the atomic bombings in Japan for survivors and their descendants. 能有机会把我在买球平台学到的知识和技能应用到一个对我个人有意义和智力上具有挑战性的事业上,我感到非常不可思议。我非常感谢我的亚洲研究和神经科学教授无私的奉献,是他们让这一切成为可能.

尽管花了两个暑假做实验,还完成了一个神经科学的荣誉项目, 我从来没有感到在双学位课程中做出选择的压力. 正相反, Jayanthi Selinger教授, Hiroo Aridome, and Sakura Christmas demonstrated flexibility and understanding as they selflessly encouraged my pursuit of neuroscience, while simultaneously fostering in me a deep sense of curiosity that has allowed me to connect my multiple interests.



类: 2016

主要(s): 亚洲研究, 化学

After completing two years with the JET program I plan to enter a graduate program for a doctorate in physical therapy. I chose to pursue a career in physical therapy because I believe it is a perfect combination of my interests in research, 教学, 用科学来改善那些有需要的人的生活质量和健康.


尽管我的祖母是日本人, I had never thought about studying Japanese language or 文化 when I initially arrived at Bowdoin. 大一的第一个学期, 然而, 我还有一个空缺,所以我选了一门日本历史课. I can’t begin to explain how much that first Asian studies course changed my life and how happy I am that it did! 那门日本历史课把我介绍给了精彩的亚洲研究系,并引导我上了我的第一堂日语课. 从我第一天学日语到毕业, the professors and members of the Japanese language program felt like my family at Bowdoin. 这个项目给了我参加日语表的机会, 参加娱乐部门的活动, 教当地学童日语, 并与校园里一些最鼓舞人心、最热情的教授一起工作.

我在买球平台的时间主要用于完成我的两个专业(化学和亚洲研究),并作为游泳队的一员参加比赛. 作为一名双学位学生和一名运动员,我被日语教授们在亚洲研究系之外对我生活的积极关注所感动. 他们参加了家庭游泳比赛, 在日本项目的脸谱网页面上发布了我们的冠军结果, 经常被问到我的化学研究. 在大四的时候,我还能够跟随圣诞教授进行一项高级独立研究,这要归功于一个独特而不可思议的机会,可以访问日本时报的数字化报纸数据库,该数据库可以追溯到数百年前. 有了这些第一手资料和克里斯莫斯教授的指导, 我的研究在一篇环境史论文中达到高潮,该论文调查了金枪鱼捕捞业作为二战前后日本扩张主义的工具.

当我申请JET项目时,我的日语教授给了我至关重要的支持和建议,帮助我发展语言技能,在日本期间探索这个国家并建立持久的友谊. In college they welcomed me into a community that felt like family and after graduating they gave me the chance to see the world. 每当回想起大一那年我在买球平台大学爱上亚洲研究的那一刻,我都充满了感激和幸福.



类: 2012

我的中文技能帮助我在一家风险投资公司找到了实习机会,并在上海和香港的一家中国房地产公司找到了一份工作. I wanted to learn a new language at Bowdoin—one that would be challenging and that would open up doors in the future.


我一年级和二年级的语文老师, 崔教授, 对我的中文学习影响很大吗. 虽然他的课程要求很高,但他完全投入到他的学生身上. 贾教授在我的中文生涯中也是一个非常重要的人, 因为我现在用的中文名字就是他给我取的. 最后,徐克教授激起了我对中国文化和电影的兴趣. 在北京留学了六个月之后, 我决定毕业后再回去. 我的中文技能帮助我在一家风险投资公司找到了实习机会,并在上海和香港的一家中国房地产公司找到了一份工作. Knowing the language well allowed me to navigate in both the Western and Chinese worlds in social and professional aspects. 我现在主要在社交场合使用中文, and 人 are pleasantly surprised to see that I can carry a conversation quite fluently. I invite students from all backgrounds and years to try learning Chinese and discovering a beautiful language, 人, 和国家.



类: 2010

地点: 旧金山,加州

凯特·爱默生是缅因州乔治城2010届的毕业生. 在买球平台,凯特主修法语和亚洲研究. 她于2014年毕业于哥伦比亚大学护理学院, 并于2016年从加州大学旧金山分校护士助产学项目毕业. 从买球平台毕业后, 凯特的第一份工作是在康涅狄格州的一所小学担任联合教师. 凯特喜欢教书, 她很怀念在买球平台担任舵手的团队经历. 当她了解到护士助产士, Kate realized how perfectly this healthcare role combined what she loves about coxing, 训练, 教年轻人. After 教学 for two years, Kate took time off to complete prerequisite courses for nursing school.


凯特参加了一个加速护理课程,在那里她获得了护理学士学位,并在一年内通过了注册护士的考试. 在那之后, she spent two years getting her masters degree in nurse midwifery at the University of California San Francisco. 作为一名护士助产士, 凯特以病人为中心, 以证据为基础的护理,既要独立,也要与医生一起, 护士, 以及各个部门的专家. 凯特喜欢成为团队的一员, 在病人最困难的时候支持他们, 提供指导, 验证, 并鼓励她是否插入宫内节育器, 促进产前小组, 或者参加分娩. She currently works at Planned Parenthood where she is proud to support patients of all genders, 年龄, 以及他们的性和生殖保健背景.



类: 1990

地点: 纽约,纽约

主要(s): 亚洲研究

詹妮弗·戈德史密斯·亚当斯(Jennifer Goldsmith Adams)在纽约出生长大,后来决定进入买球平台买球平台)学习亚洲研究. 作为大一新生, 她决定不攻读医学预科学位, 这一直是她的意图吗, and instead chose to take advantage of some of the broader academic opportunities offered by Bowdoin. 她一点也不知道,她将在接下来的六年里沉浸在现代和古典汉语的研究中,并将在中国大陆生活近两年. Jennifer对中国的兴趣使她在亚洲各地旅行, 通常乘火车和船, 但不止一次是通过更传统的方式,比如骑马或骡子.


After college Jennifer was scheduled to begin a graduate program in London focusing on Chinese studies, but on a particularly cold Manchurian night she came to the decision to return to her original dream of studying medicine. Jennifer enrolled in the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program at Columbia University, 几年后进入纽约大学医学院. She completed her NYU Primary Care residency and stayed on for a chief resident year in 2003-2004. 詹妮弗目前是初级保健项目的联合主任, and also works as a primary care physician at Gouverneur Healthcare Systems and a Violet Society Advisor at the medical school. 詹妮弗和她的丈夫和他们的女儿住在曼哈顿, 茱莉亚和艾莉, 和他们的狗Cassie.

Jen and her experience in China were featured in a video by the Chinese station HuaPlusTV.